Bark Tanned Sheepskin | Dolly


Bark Tanned Sheepskin | Dolly


This premium bark-tanned sheepskin will make a beautiful legacy textile in your home.
Dolly measures 32 × 17” with 3.5+” of soft, curly fiber. There are several butcher holes that are only noticeable on the leather side, not through the fiber. This sheepskin gives a great cushion making it perfect for a seat cover or throw. 

Driftless Tannery works with farmers and butchers to ethically tan sheepskin. They offer their products for eco-conscious consumers. Whether used on chairs or beds, sheepskin can help relieve aches and pains, regulate body temperature, and are hypoallergenic. The tannery believes in using the whole animal and always treating people and the environment with respect.

Thank you so much for looking, and for supporting our journey into natural tanning.

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